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Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII

Ambassador Christoph Heusgen In spring 1945, American troops liberated my hometown, Neuss, Germany, from the Nazis. Later, Neuss became part of the British zone, and they worked together with local citizens to organize post-war life. This did not occur in a vacuum – by the time the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1949, the German government was working closely with allies, building a liberal, democratic state and, above all, integrating into an international system that was swiftly becoming robust and was centered on multilateral institutions like the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. As we mark the 75th anniversary of this liberation, we face an unprecedented global crisis. Chancellor Angela Merkel called the current pandemic the greatest challenge since World War II....

In Memoriam: Former ACG President Dr. Richard M. Hunt

It is with deep sadness that the American Council on Germany announces the passing of ACG Vice Chairman Dr. Richard M. Hunt, the longest-serving President of the ACG and longtime Marshal at Harvard University, who was a driving force and an ardent supporter of the Council for 50 years. His dogged dedication to the ACG’s mission, his wise counsel, his keen knowledge of German-American relations, his faith in younger generations, and his warm, unassuming manner will be sorely missed. Rick Hunt was deeply committed to strengthening ties, building trust, and fostering mutual understanding between Germany and the United States. He gave exceptional support to the American Council on Germany, including through the Roy M. Hunt Foundation, named after his father, who had served as Alcoa President for...

Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow: A View from Charlotte

It must be stated early and often the overall value this program has provided me. From the human connections with both the Americans and Germans to the sharing of ideas, perspectives, and views on life and the world, I have learned a great deal. This exchange also has impacted my work by exposing me to new ways of thinking and new methodologies around community engagement, digitalization, and the future of work. There are a number of high-level takeaways: Rethink education and workforce training models. It was clear to me that Germany and its education and workforce training systems are better prepared to adapt to support industries need for a new or reskilled workforce. While the level of complexity in these systems at first seemed overwhelming, it...

Transatlantic Cities of Tomorrow: A View from Magdeburg

The City of Magdeburg, with a population of 240,000, is the state capital of the German Bundesland Saxony-Anhalt. I work in the field of business development, and it is my task to attract companies to Magdeburg and to help start-up companies boost their business in Magdeburg. In my daily work, I often get in touch with people with very creative ideas that have the potential to change business models and use technologies in an innovative and unseen way. Due to my professional focus, I was most interested in learning about job creation and strategies to help start-ups through this exchange program. During the site visits and discussions in the United States and in Germany, I was astonished to find out about the multitude of initiatives that...

Der Blick über den Tellerand

Unendliche Weiten, riesige Betriebe mit endlosen Feldern und Feedlots. So stellt man sich die Landwirtschaft in den USA vor. Dass diese jedoch mindestens genauso vielfältig ist wie die Strukturen in Deutschland, durften sechs Teilnehmer aus ganz Deutschland bei einer knapp zweiwöchigen Reise in den Osten der USA erleben. Das Programm der 2019 McCloy Leadership Mission on Agriculture, Food, Security and Resource Scarcity – durch das American Council on Germany organisiert –war voll-gepackt mit Besuchen von 26 Betrieben in vier Staaten, einem Besuch der Deutschen Botschaft und beim USDA, dem US-ame-rikanischen Landwirtschaftsministerium. Direktvermarktung nutzt Stadtnähe Ausgangspunkt unserer Reise war Washington D.C. Rund um die Hauptstadt der USA in den Staaten Maryland und Virginia haben die Betriebe auf eindrucksvolle Art und Weise gelernt, von der kaufkräftigen Bevölkerung...
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